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Club Officers

Club Officers and Advisors

President(s): Celia Madrid and Joe Rao

The President is responsible for contacting the companies that visit the club and helping them set up their presentations. Communication skills are very important for this position, as this person serves at the mediator between the club and the companies.

Vice President(s): Mac Schleuning 

The Internal President is responsible for communicating with the club members, such as sending out meeting reminders and answering any questions that members might have. Communication skills is also important for this position as well as the ability to reach out to club members and help them get acquainted with the club.

Treasurer: Noah Gscheidmeier

The Treasurer is responsible for organizing the club financial account and collecting dues in order to gain club membership. They will stay in contact with the Club Financial advisor and handle any reimbursement forms. Honesty is key for this position.

Secretary: Alexander Downey

The secretary is responsible for documenting events and taking pictures for the club. This is year the secretary will also serve as an advisor for club run events and meetings.

Workshop Ambasador: Matt Bidigare 

Social Ambassador: Alex Kaufmann

Underclassman Ambassador: Zoe Andrianopoulos 

Club Advisor: Albert Cohen

Actuarial Science Faculty:
Tom Mccollum
Albert Cohen