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Actuarial Links

Michigan State Resources

Michigan State Actuarial Science Degree

The classes that need to be completed to achieve a Bachelors Degree in Actuarial Science from Michigan State.

My Spartan Career

Where Michigan State students can look up internships, full time jobs, career fairss and future interviewing.

MSU FM Actuarial Practice Exam
MSU P Actuarial Practice Exam
MSU C Actuarial Practice Exam

Michigan State is lucky enough to have Simon Hanover work with Professor Emil Valdez to design a practice P, FM and C exam that simulates the actual exam. We cannot thank both of them enough for their work.

Universal Actuarial Resources

Actuarial Outpost

A Forum for actuaries to discuss exams, jobs and other news in the Actuarial world.

Be an Actuary

Any FAQ or background about Actuarial Science can be found here to educate what to expect in the field.

Casualty Actuarial Society

Actuarial Exams are taken through the Society of Actuaries or Casualty Actuarial Society. An account can be made through CAS that allow exam registration and posted exam scores. 

Society of Actuaries

Actuarial Exams are taken through the Society of Actuaries or Casualty Actuarial Society. An account can be made through SOA that allow exam registration and posted exam scores.

Studying Resources

Actex Publications Store

Actex is a great way to obtain study manuals for exams. ASM brand manuals are also very useful.

Actuarial Bookstore

Where all types of actuarial study manuals can be purchased.

SOA Past Exam Questions and Solutions

As exams get harder, it's great to go back and look at previous test questions and understand the technique behind answering them.

Miscellaneous Resources

Actuarial Lookup

All exams dating back to 2008 are kept and can be organized by exam, historic passing rates, and individual actuaries among other things.

Actuarial Scholarships

A place where college students studying actuarial science can find scholarships that they are eligible for.

Free Business Card Creator

SOA Explorer

Can use SOA Explorer to find companies near you that have actuaries and look for places hiring. Must have an SOA account.

AdvisorSmith Education

Features Q&A interviews with some of the top actuarial science students around the country.